Tag Enna

Enna’s cuisine is a true culinary treasure, featuring the renowned Dittaino DOP bread and Piacentinu Ennese DOP cheese. Among the first courses, pasta ‘ncaciata stands out, a macaroni pie with ragù, eggs, salami, cheese, and peas. Sweet and sour maccheroni offer a unique blend of flavors. For festive occasions, gateau di riso all’ennese is a must-try, rich with meat, peas, eggplants, caciocavallo cheese, and hard-boiled eggs. Among other local specialties, you’ll find frascatula, vasteḍḍa cû sammucu di Troina, and ciarbiḍḍuzzu abbuttunatu. For desserts, savor cubbaita, cassatelle di Agira, pasta siringata di Barrafranca, viscotta chî pizzi di Centuripe, sgrinfiati, cuffiteḍḍi di Calascibetta, and delightful “ditini” ennesi, cinnamon biscuits that will captivate your palate.